Virgil Profeanu is a seasoned businessman, a standardization, public procurement, and project evaluation expert, a trainer, and a Project Manager, actively involved as an entrepreneur in various fields such as design, business development consultancy, media, and software development, all integrated within VEGO.

In 2000, he embarked on his entrepreneurial journey in project management, and since 2005, he has expanded the company’s activities into architecture, urban planning, engineering, and software application development.

As an entrepreneur, he has managed significant projects for organizations such as CORA, AUCHAN, IMMOCHAN, BRICOSTORE, IKEA, DECATHLON, and NATO.

Constantly dedicated to automation and innovation, he has brought together multiple concepts into a theory that combines technology and philosophy (SoPh[A]iloTechnology) within a transdisciplinary approach.

Based on this theory, he and his team are engaged in developing their own AI-powered platform, RENDA, a tool designed to streamline and digitize processes in design and construction.

As an expert, he has been involved in major national projects [as a Project Manager], where, alongside the VEGO expert teams, he has carried out:

– Expertise and consultancy services to strengthen the ISC’s capacity to exercise its competencies in a unified, efficient, and effective manner, respectively, reorganizing the institution’s activity and work procedures.
– Consultancy services for the development of technical regulations on managing and monitoring information generated in BIM systems and technical regulations on using design tools and managing digital data related to constructions:
• RTC 8
• RTC 9

Virgil Profeanu has been involved with the most representative design companies in Romania, and, through VEGO, he has become a co-founder of the Patronage of Designers in Construction in Romania.

In his role as Secretary General of the Patronage of Designers in Construction in Romania, he promotes the use of digital signatures and the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for enhanced efficiency and collaboration.

He is also a poet, a graduate of the doctoral school at the „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning in design management, an artificial intelligence researcher, and a tenor, having performed opera and jazz for over 25 years. He is the author of the book „The Eagle and Business, Management Principles from Proverbs,” published in 2014.

About VEGO

VEGO [1] developed and uses in its design activity the expert platform R.E.N.D.A. [2] (Reality Emulation with Native Data Analytics), an advanced systemic artificial intelligence system that integrates multiple artificial intelligence systems.

It uses modern technologies, such as bots and AI, to mimic human behavior in interactions with experts.

The R.E.N.D.A. system can automate a wide range of processes, from performance evaluation and workflow optimization to trend identification and business forecasting.

Using the R.E.N.D.A. platform, technical specifications and specialized studies are developed, constraints from opinions/agreements are interpreted, and quantity lists are generated for categories of works.

With its own database comprising 3,500 standards, 800 regulations, and 250 laws, RENDA offers designers the ability to easily navigate legislative complexities.

The content generates accurate and instant tests, providing a competitive advantage in situations where time is critical and where misinterpretation of the law can have significant consequences.

[1] * VEGO [VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT GENERATION AND OPTIMISATION] owns // [2]* – The RENDA [REALITY EMULATED WITH NATIVE DATA ANALYTICS] is a TrA[I]ns-BeA[I]ng[5]* INFOSYSTEM // developed by Virgil Profeanu [based on Virgil Profeanu’s SoPh[A]iloTechnoLogy movement, a philosophical and technological fusion focusing on the utilization of algorithms and hybrid models to uncover hidden truths in nature and existence.] // [4]* FhA[I]ro – [Full Hybrid AI RENDA OmniModel] SoPh[A]iloTechnoLogy based that orchestrates his owned ‘info_data’ providing a TrA[I]ns-IntegrA[I]l thinking emulating human reason.// [5]* TrA[I]ns-BeA[I]ng represents an advanced artificial entity designed to emulate human behavior and capabilities.

we build together

the future is us


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